
One St. Mary’s Episcopal student in Edmond earned a free pizza party and got a letter all the way from a pizza company CEO.

It was all thanks to her favorite pizza chain and an assignment from her 4th grade teacher.

Coral Grimmett was originally assigned to write to a company she admired or liked. For the spunky elementary student, that meant writing Pie Five Pizza CEO Scott Crane.

When Crane got the letter, he contacted Billy Bajema. The former NFL and OSU tight end may be known for football, but he now owns several Pie Five locations in the area.

Bajema ended up hand delivering a letter from Crane and bringing the kids at the school some pizza.

Coral proudly read her response in front of the entire school and said she had no clue she would even get a letter back.

She told News 9 she’s going to keep her letter from Crane and even plans to write back.

Read the original post and view the video on: www.news9.com