
Recently I was reading about a company that uses questionnaires and statistics to help determine if the potential franchisee was right for their company. Passing a test might be a good approach for some companies. But, when it comes to Pie Five Pizza, we like to make it a little more personal. We are looking for a few world-class franchise partners who have multi-unit experience, a strong balance sheet, live in the market, and are fully committed to developing that market. And, they have to be NICE!

We’ve found over the years that franchisees who are on “the same page” as our management team often result in quality partners. So, how do we go about finding nice franchisees? We talk to them! Our Discovery Days include in-depth interviews where the questions potential franchisees ask us are as important as how they approach our questions. We take note of personal qualities, chemistry, positive energy, strategic approach, input, and ideas. Maybe this is why in just a few years we’ve opened our 20th location, and we have 160 more units in development. I’ve learned over the years that you can’t make a quality franchise without quality franchisees. So, at Pie Five Pizza, we believe nice franchisees in line with our corporate culture are our key ingredient for success.